As a member of "Friskovens Venner", you become part of the association for member activities in Friskoven for just DKK 100 per year!
Excerpt of articles of association for the Friends of the Forest Association:
Section 3.
The purpose of the association:
The purpose of the association is to contribute to Friskoven, Bygaden 13 – 29a, 3720 Årkirkeby, as an ecological, social, cultural and economic development area.
The purpose is also to work to support and spread the ideas that form the basis of Andelsforeningen Friskoven, as well as work so that Friskoven can form a framework for experiments in truly sustainable lifestyles and forms of society.
The idea of the association Friskovens Venner is to create a community around Friskoven's visions and facilities, which extends beyond Friskoven's own members.
Friskovens Venner are invited to contribute with events on Friskoven's grounds. Among other things to breathe life into the upcoming event venue Smedjen, participate in communal meals, annual tours etc.
As a member of Friskovens Venner, you will also receive quarterly newsletters and Friskovens Venner will also be the first to be notified of honey sales!
As a member of Friskovens Venner, you also support the development of Friskoven as a sustainable community.
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